Tuesday, January 22, 2008

Throwing Pots

January 16th

Ms. Amanda invited me to a local art gallery to throw pots. It was something I have always wanted to do. The gallery owner showed us how to work the clay on the wheel. It was so amazing, something I will definitely do again. Ms. Amanda is anther artistic spirit like me, and we had the best time! There were several other homeschool moms who joined our adventure! I think of the, 'You're the potter and I'm the clay' reference to God and us. Every little nudge, flinch etc. has an effect on the clay. The clay is a large lump, and it is truly amazing what the after products look like. That is the ones by the master potter.


January 11th

One of our favorite things is bowling. We hadn't made it to the homeschool bowling party yet this school year, so it was a special treat! We met up with Ms. Amanda, Ian & Seth and several other homeschoolers. The kids took turns bowling, bumpers up, of course. Frankie had high score, followed closely my Ian!