Friday, January 23, 2009

Change of Plans

This afternoon we finished our school work and joined our other homeschool friends at the skating rink. Frankie loves skating, we always went skating with our church friends when we were in Oklahoma. Sometime after the limbo, our day changed!
Caleb broke two ribs while skating. . . well actually . . . he broke two ribs while falling, if he had kept skating, he would have been fine! :)
After a trip to the pediatricians office and radiology we discovered when Caleb fell on his back he fractured his 7th & 8th rib on the left side. He is having a little trouble breathing, but is in good spirits. His sisters are catering to his every need.


  1. Oh Lisa! Oh CALEB!!! So sorry to hear that. Sure hope he heals quickly and is up and at 'em again soon!

    Homeschoolers Hearts and Hugs

  2. Thanks Kristi,. . . boys. . .you know what it's like! Trying to keep him still is a challenge! :) Lisa

  3. Ow! I hope he feels better very soon and that he won't be scared to skate again. I haven't heard of many people breaking things while skating (or falling while skating, as you pointed out).

    My son participates in track cycling in Frisco, and on his fourth day, he wiped out, chipping a tooth and hitting his chin REALLY hard. Thankfully that hasn't kept him from wanting to continue, but it does worry me a bit that he could be hurt again! I have to keep reminding myself that it's in the Lord's hands. :)
