Saturday, September 27, 2014

Frontiers of Flight Museum

While Jon and Abigail headed to a three hour softball practice, I headed out with the two older kids to the Frontiers of Flight Museum.  Today was the Smithsonian Magazines Museum Day in which participating museums across the country open their doors for free.
I went on line a couple of weeks ago and let Frankie pick out which museum in our area she wanted to visit.  We've been to Frontiers of Flight before and it is one of her favorites.  On one of my Dad's visits we came to the museum. Having worked a few decades are American Airlines Dad mad a great tour guide around all these wonderful planes.  Notice the kids thumbs up, that's a shout out to my Dad. He always made us hold a thumbs up until we were in the air. As an AA mechanic he said it was the secret to safe flying!
Today we had a wonderful docent, Mr. Richard! He was a Naval pilot, Top Gun, former CIA advisor, has met Presidents Eisenhower, Nixon & Kennedy, had dinner at Cary Grant's home, and escorted Ms. America . . . oh my goodness, the stories this man shared were remarkable!  I am convinced his is the greatest generation!  Every visit we've had equally wonderful experiences! If your kids are the curious sort, they will love hearing the explanations and first hand stories from the amazing docents! 

Remember the days of old;
    consider the generations long past.
Ask your father and he will tell you,
    your elders, and they will explain to you.
Deuteronomy 32:7

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