Wednesday, September 27, 2017

KISS Concert

Date night!!  They are few and far between but they seem to involve a concert venue.  KISS was one of the few hair bands from the '80s that Jon has never seen in concert, so tickets seemed like the perfect birthday gift for him.  

I'm not sure I could name more than two songs, you know, the two KISS songs everyone knows but I do adore my sweet husband who has taken me to many country music concerts and operas.  

The concert was at the Pavilion of the new Toyota Music Factory in Los Colinas.  The Pavilion has a 4,000 capacity indoor theater and opens up to an 8,000-person capacity open-air venue.  The acoustics were great and KISS sounded great for a couple of 60 year old men! It was a great evening with my honey! 

Take away from Me the noise of your songs; I will not even listen to the sound of your harps.
Amos 5:23

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