Sunday, October 8, 2017

A Day of Rest

There are times like last night when the busy-ness of life calls for a late Saturday night out before the Lord's Day. It could be ball games, date night or like last night homecoming. The 'rule' in our house if the event is wholesome and appropriate, then a late night is approved as long as the following Sunday morning is pleasant.  That the kiddo or parent who stayed out doesn't allow a lack of sleep to create a grumpy Sunday morning.  

Sunday morning is the very best day of the week.  It is the day we come together to celebrate what Christ did for us and to praise Him.  You can't do that grumpy! 

This morning I'm thankful that the kids have grown up with that understanding!  Here is our Sunday:  8:30am-9:45 Abigail and I worked in the nursery while Frankie and Jon went to services.  10:00-10:45 Bible Class for all.  11:00-12:30 Teach Bible Bowl.  12:30-2:30 Life Group.  3:00-5:30 Softball practice for Abigail! That's a long day, especially for a young lady who was out past midnight! It was even a long day for this mom who stayed up waiting on the young lady to come home! 

This is a profound mystery—but I am talking about Christ and the church. Ephesians 5:22

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