Friday, October 6, 2017

HSAA Homecoming Football Game

Our family had a wonderful evening at the homecoming football game tonight. What?  Yes, we home school. Yes, homeschoolers have homecoming. Living in the Plano/Dallas area has its advantages! Tonight was the Home School Athletic Association’s (HSAA) homecoming football game. 

At half time HSAA honored all of their team sports including Cross Country, Volleyball, Football, Golf, Basketball, Soccer, Baseball, Track & Field, Water Polo, Cheerleading and Softball.  HSAA also put together a beautiful color printed program for the evening with photos and game schedules for each of the sports.   

Abigail organized the PEACH Jr. Sr. Club event for this month to be attending tonight's game.  At half time she joined her team mates on the field for recognition.  

After the game the softball players headed over to Wendy's. It's great that they are are old enough to drive them selves and hang out together outside of the ball field! I love the discipline, integrity, and responsibility that team sports adds to the character of the girls.  It has become so rare these days! 

Keep your conduct among the Gentiles honorable, so that when they speak against you as evildoers, others may see your good deeds and glorify God on the day of His return.  1 Peter 2:12

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