Wednesday, December 24, 2008

Night Before a Kirkwood Christmas

And now the Kirkwood Theater brings you our
'Night Before a Kirkwood Christmas':

'Twas the night before Christmas and all thru the house.
Every creature was stirring, and I spilled cheese dip on my blouse.

The stockings were hung by the chimney with care.
Even one for Padme', why that's only fair.

The children were hyper and jumping on beds.
While Mom envisioned the ceiling fan bonking their heads.

Mom in her sweat pants and I in similar attire.
Had just settled down for some assembly required.

When up the stairs there arose such a clatter.
We ran up the stairs to see what was a matter.

Up the stairs Padme' flew like a flash,
Tore open the girls door and heard a large crash.

When what to my wondering eyes should appear?
All three kids frozen in fear.

With a little girl in pigtails, so lively and quick,
Padme' ran to her and began to lick.

More rapid than eagles their excuse they came,
And Dad snapped and shouted and called them by name.

Now Sissy, now Caleb and certainly Abigail.
Get into bed now, without fail.

They each ran to their beds with a fright.
Pulled the covers up and closed their eyes tight.

It will soon be morning and down stairs they will fly.
With shouts of glee they will all cry.

With a furry the pretty paper will all hit the floor,
From all the packages Mom bought at the store.

And just like that, Christmas will be done,
But well sit back and laugh, 'my wasn't that fun!'
Jon, Lisa, Frankie, Caleb & Abigail


  1. You crack me up! Seriously, way too much time on your hands!
