One of the last dances |
we tried our hand or should I say our feet at English Country Dancing.
Wikipedia defines English Country Dance as a form of social folk dance which
originated in Renaissance England, and was popular until the early 19th century
in parts of Europe and the American colonies.
is a great group of homeschoolers in our area who meet together on the first
Friday of the month. When Caleb and I attended the Mother / Son luncheon,
English Country Dancing was one of the activities and it was delightful!

December everyone dressed for the time period. Everyone brought cookies and
homemade goodies served with punch cups of Ginger Ale!
realize we live in a time of electronic gizmos and delivery pizza sufficing as
a teen social event. But this was positively delightful! I know it's crazy, but
the kids spoke (not texted) and visited with each other. They introduced
themselves to other youth and parents. They also shared in stories of homemade
sugar cookies.
was a sheer blessing to see the youth interacting with each other and adults
with complete manners and social graces appropriate to the time period. Caleb
and Abigail danced every dance of the evening. Jon and I dance several, until
we couldn't keep up! I think Frankie made it one or two songs before she
decided it was far more fun to take photos of everyone than to dance.
dance began with the young men escorting their partner by the arm on the dance
floor and concluded with both partners bowing to honor to their partner,
thanking them for the dance. Even at the end of the night, the young men shook
hands and bowed to the ladies, thanking them for a lovely evening.
is something we will do again! Two years ago we square danced, this was much
more elegant and minus the caller. My sweet, sweet friend, Ms. Donna loves the
Pride and Prejudice style bonnet movies. That isn't my cup of tea; I prefer a
good mystery any day! With that said, this uncoordinated 'church of Christ'
(aka. we don't dance) girl had a great time. Outside of our square dancing
adventure, I don't think I've danced since 'choreographing' in Spring Sing at
Oklahoma Christian!
Then young women will dance and be glad,
young men and old as well.
young men and old as well.
Jeremiah 31:13
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