Sunday, February 15, 2015

Texas Bible Bowl

On October 5th I started preparing twenty-four youth for Texas Bible Bowl.  These kids attend Sunday worship, then Bible class and then sit with me for an hour and half studying the book of Luke.  That means we have spent twenty weeks studying together, every Sunday, no time off for Thanksgiving, Christmas, or New Years. We have just kept plugging along. 
We are now six weeks away from Texas Bible Bowl and not one of the kids have dropped out!  Every one of them completes 4 to 6 pages of homework each week along with reading assignments.  It boggles my mind that they work so hard for something that monetarily will only gain 10 competitors with a plaque.
The comradery between the children is fun to watch.  I especially enjoy watching the high school kids encourage and cheer on the elementary age kids.  I'm strict with the kids that they don't compete for scores; they compete for knowledge and to encourage their teammates.  It is a God thing that as we've kept that philosophy, He has rewarded their work!
encouraging one another—and all the more as you see the Day approaching.  Hebrews 10:25

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