Saturday, October 7, 2017

North Texas Homeschool Homecoming Dance

Tonight was the 11th annual North Texas Homeschool Homecoming!  The kids have been looking forward to it for months! The Gungans came down and brought Ms. Hannah with them.  Little Ms. Abigail was thrilled to be with her buddies.  They met up with Gracie, Gabe, Molly and Crissy at Olive Garden for dinner and then headed off together for an evening of fun. 

The North Texas Homeschool Homecoming Dance is open to homeschoolers in the Dallas and Fort Worth area.  It is a fun, safe evening for all.  The event has a huge partnership with the homeschooling families.  Their are parents who have pre-screened the music played by the DJs.    

The event also hosts other dance alternative options for the evening like game tables with chess, card games, board games, etc. There was catered food and refreshments, a photo booth, a fantastic light show and more! 

Of course being an event organized by homeschooling moms there was a dress code for the guys and girls. One of the funniest rules was 'no kilts for the guys!' Only at a homeschool event would that need to be written! 

Abigail and her friends had a great time. Abigail said her cheeks hurt from laughing so much.  I'm so thankful for her sweet circle of friends! 

I tell you that in the same way, there will be more joy in heaven over one sinner who repents than over ninety-nine righteous persons who need no repentance. Luke 15:7

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