Monday, October 9, 2017

Whatever is Good

Tonight was the last double header of the fall session for the inaugural season of the HSAA Angels.  The girls began with a game against Naaman Forest High School, a Garland ISD team.  The girls are playing really well together an should be ready for the Spring season. 

Our youth minister Barrett and his wife Jenna came out to cheer on Abigail. Jeanna played high school ball and the girls have had a great time talking softball.  Abigail had another triple and an RBI.  She walked on her second at bat and scored.  The final score was 5-4.

In the second game my catcher girl split time behind the plate and playing 2nd base. This game was against J. J. Pearce High School, a Richardson ISD school.  Abigail had a double and a single being moved on around the bases by her teammates to score both times. It was a fun game to watch because the girls are really playing like a team! Final score was 9-0, HSAA for the win.  

One of my favorite parts about playing homeschool high school sports is that at the end of each game they invite the opposing team to join them on the mound in prayer. Abigail leads a prayer as the girls from both teams join hands.  It is a prayer of gratitude for the day of ball, safety as they continue to pursue sports and kindness towards all.  The girls are learning that softball isn't just about the game it's also about how you treat people, all people! 

Whatever you do, work at it with all your heart, as working for the Lord, not for human masters, since you know that you will receive an inheritance from the Lord as a reward. It is the Lord Christ you are serving. Anyone who does wrong will be repaid for their wrongs, and there is no favoritism. Colossians 3:23-25

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