Tuesday, January 14, 2014

A Visit to the Dallas Museum of Art

The school year seems to be flying by and we've been keeping a list of things we were wanting to check out at the Dallas Museum of Art, so today was the day.

Abigail has recently been learning about Winston Churchill and the DMA has a a nice collection of his writings, memorabilia and even his art work.  Yes, Mr. Churchill was an artist.  The exhibit is part of the Emery and Wendy Reeves collection.  The Reeves lived in the South of France in a villa that had been originally built for Coco Chanel. 

For Abigail we were also visiting the 1920's American Art collection.  The kids have several pieces in the primary collect of the museum that they love and it's always fun to visit and hear them laugh over their first impression of an art piece.  

They have closed down the Seventeen Seventeen Restaurant inside the DMA and converted it and the terrace to a new exhibit hall. Fortunately for Caleb, the cafe is still downstairs and opened for business! You just can't walk around and look at that much art and not get hungry! 

For this visit we chose to ride in on the DART, Dallas's rail transit system.  It's one of those things, I wanted Caleb to be familiar with riding the transit system.  Plus, it cost $10 to park at the DMA, and only $9 to ride the rail with no parking, plus I saved gas money!  Another bonus, I can take my Kindle and Abigail was able to keep working on her school work!

Splendor and majesty are before him;
    strength and beauty are in his sanctuary.

Psalm 96:6

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