Saturday, January 18, 2014

Bus Ministry in South Dallas

Today we decided to check out Metro Relief's Saturday outreach.  We LOVE our Wednesdays in the pantry.  We have made it out one Wednesday to the outreach at Unity Park in Fort Worth, but our Fridays are usually so full with school, Speaker's Club and Drama Club that there is no way to squeeze in one more event.    

Because the kids really enjoyed the Friday trip out on the bus, Mr. Jason suggested we come out on a Saturday to a similar outreach in South Dallas.  Upon arrival at Metro, Abigail was able to help Mr. Jason with the soup.  In the meantime Caleb and I helped out loading the drinks, socks, hygiene items and clothes into the bus.  After the morning briefing and prayer the 20 volunteers headed out to Sunlight Missionary Baptist Church in Dallas.

Very much like our visit to Ft. Worth, at this point we handed out food and other items to guests.  Next, Serenity Church held a church service an AA, DA and several other something A meeting centered on Christ and recovery.  Following the church service and meeting, Serenity Church had us pass out bags of groceries for the guests.  

Upon returning to Metro, it was time to clean out the bus and wash dishes.  It was tough work, very mentally draining.  Caleb and Abigail really enjoyed it, but it is a lot less structured than the work we do at the pantry.  We will go out again, the kids want to check out the under the bridge ministry. 

I enjoy posting these for the out of state grandparents to see what the kids are up to, but this is also special for our local friends to see what great opportunities are right here in our own backyard! 

Look, I tell you, lift up your eyes, 
and see that the fields are white for harvest.

John 4:35

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