Friday, October 3, 2014

1920's Dances in 2014

You might be homeschooled if you spend your Friday night at English Country Dancing.  It still makes me laugh that my kids enjoy these dances from the 1920's!  But there is a large group of homeschoolers that get together each month an have a great time. 
Today was another full day for the kids, you know those unsocialized beings that homeschooler are know to be.  They did school work until noon then met a group of 25+ friends for teen pizza, then head over for three hours of drama practice and then went to English Country Dancing! 

With the kids being older, they head to these events without me, but I'm very thankful for friends who snap pictures of my kids so I can share in the fun.  Most of the parents don't stay for the dance, but I really like that parents can stay and participate if they want.  It is a wholesome environment for everyone. 
The two and half hours of dancing is a workout!  I am not that coordinated! For my local homeschooling friends if you want to attend, message me and I'll send you details!   
whatever is true, whatever is noble, whatever is right, whatever is pure, whatever is lovely, whatever is admirable—if anything is excellent or praiseworthy—think about such things.   Philippians 4:8

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