Thursday, October 2, 2014

A Visit to the Fort Worth Zoo

As if our week wasn't busy enough, we managed to squeeze in a visit to the Fort Worth Zoo.   Every year the Fort Worth Zoo holds a home school day, and it is the bet day to visit. 
The crowds are small and there zoo keepers everywhere to answer questions and allow the kids to interact with the animals.  It's a little funny that virtually every child there has a Bible name, so we heard mom's calling, Eliakim, Anna and Thadeus. 
It is equally amusing to over hear the home school mom's asking their kids what the scientific name of each animal is, or it's geographic habitat.  For us, we ran through the zoo, look at the pretty animals read a few plaques and even road the train.   I think the only thing we skipped was the carousal! 
The Fort Worth Zoo is one of the first home school spots we ever visited and with it being Caleb's senior year I didn't want to miss one last Home School Zoo Day with all three kids! My happy child commented on the blissful state of each animal; my professor read virtually every marker for more knowledge; and my artistic child took over 300 photos of the animals! 

He also spoke about animals and birds, reptiles and fish. From all nations people came to listen to Solomon’s wisdom, sent by all the kings of the world, who had heard of his wisdom.  Kings 4:33-34

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