My trio in front of the pumpkin house. |
Eric & Joseph |
James & Lydia |
Abs on the hayride |
Ryan |
Pumpkins! |
Smurfs & Abs |
Ms. Gungan made
arrangements for our church homeschool group to visit the Flower Mound Pumpkin Patch. Even though many of our
homeschool children from church are older, they were still willing to share the
fun with the younger children.
Sissy with Clifford |
This Pumpkin Patch
is the best one I’ve been to in this area.
The cost is fabulous $5 per car, after that every activity is free! They do ask that you bring
CANNED GOODS on your visit. The canned
food donations go directly to the CCA Food Bank that serves needy families in
the community.
There was a great
variety of activities including face painting, hayrides and mazes. There are wonderful cut out characters including
smurfs, Charlie Brown characters, Harry Potter, Star Wars, Blues Clue and many
more! Lots of great photo ops.
Caleb & Abigal |
There were several
bounce houses including a pumpkin bounce house, an obstacle course and a
slide. There were hay rides around the
pumpkin patch. The pumpkin patch sells a
variety of pumpkins and gourds and edible squash. Definitely worth the drive!
As long as the earth endures, seedtime and harvest,
cold and heat, summer and winter,
day and night will never cease.
Genesis 8:22