Tuesday, July 22, 2008

Pool Time

I had lofty expectations of going to the Dallas Museum of Art today, as you can see above, we didn't make it. Donna teased me yesterday that it was obvious I had my 'wisdom' teeth removed if less than a week after oral surgery I took four children to the zoo! Today I was a grumpy gus, we all agreed the pool was a better option! It was amusing that we arrived at the pool in time for the :30 minute 'adult swim.' That means no kids in the pool, only moms! Jess, Caleb & Abigail shot at me with water guns! No worries, me and my Mp3 just floated on! We did play a little basketball later (girls won!). When Jon came home he took the kids to the ballpark to hit some balls.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Oh,I'm all about adult swim time! Maddy