This is a photo of the smartest, most accomplished woman I've ever known. God blessed her faithfulness with Godly children and Godly grandchildren, and Godly great-grandchildren.
She was happy and kind and since this is my blog, I'm pretty sure I was her favorite! She would generally call me 'Sis' unlike Granddaddy called me 'His lEEtza kay.'
When I see the date December 17th, I still remember to celebrate her birth, and legacy. I love her and think of her everyday, I feel her and hear her words throughout my day.
She would look and my hubby or Frankie and tell me, 'You did good, Sis.' Grandmother loved Paul Harvey's Rest of the Story, Wheel of Fortune, cashews, tomatoes with salt, the tv show Dallas (was her guilty pleasure), and purple slag. She could make a quilt, give a perm, prepare communion bread, fill green stamp books and care for babies. She had a contagious laugh, and when she laughed hard, her eyes would water.
She loved to sing in church, even when her voice became weak. Since she was short, she had a small footstool on 'her pew.' She could peel a tomato and never loose any of the 'meat', then slice them and serve with salt at every meal. She made the best fried chicken, and best cinnamon rolls, (she also had a secret recipe for cheesecake, but that's another story). She loved growing roses. And I loved her very much!

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