Saturday, August 15, 2009

The Garage Sale

Usually one weekend out of the summer we do a garage sale with the Gungans. Donna home is a great location for a garage sale, lots of apartments near by and lots of traffic. While Donna and I peddle our wares, the kids usually sell lemonade, water and cookies in the front yard. The kids help draw traffic to the yard sale and generally make $5 to $7 per child. In the afternoon when temperatures rise, the children play. This year we had great success with our yard sale. Everything that didn't sell the Veterans pick-up on Monday. Now our homes are cleaned out of the junk and we are ready to begin school!
OK, for my friends reading this saying . 'Gungans?' that's not their last name. No its not, but the kids love Star Wars and that is what my children call their family!

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