Friday, September 4, 2009

Books for the 2008-2009 School Year

Last school year I began posting the books we read as a family. These don't count the library books the kids have read on their own. Since a new school year is beginning I need to clean of the list to begin this year's list. So before I delete this fun list, here is a final archive of what we read for the 2008-2009 school year:

A Christmas Carol; Anne of Green Gables; Arabian Nights; Around the World in 80 Days; Belle Prater's Boy; Black Beauty; Call of the Wild; Charolette's Web; Detectives in Togas; Doctor Doolittle; Double Fudge; Dr. Jekyll & Mr. Hyde; Dracula; Ella Enchanted; Encyclopedia Brown; Encyclopedia Brown II; Frindle; Fudge-a-mania; God King; Gulliver's Travels; Henry and Beezus; Holes; Maniac Magee; Mara, Daughter of the Nile; Megan Rose on Stage; Mystery of the Roman Ransom; Number the Stars; Pilgrim's Progress; Pippi Lonstocking; Pretty Please; Ralph S. Mouse; Ramona the Brave; Ramona's World; Rebecca of Sunnybrook Farm; Ribsy; Runaway Ralph; Shadow Hawk; Sheila the Great; Shiloh; Strange Museum; Stuart Little; Super Fudge; Tales of a 4th Grade Nothing; The Boxcar Children; The Courage of Sarah Noble; The Giver; The Golden Fleece; The Mouse & the Motorcycle; Tuck Everlasting; Two Times the Fun

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