Valentines Day . . . I have vague memories of that meaning time alone with Jon, you know, exchanging sentimental cards or even fun suggestive card. Then there was usually dinner, and sometimes a play or opera we would dress up for, hold hands . . . again, just memories . . .

Following baseball tryouts, we made the mad dash back to the church building for Nationals Bible Bowl practice. Fortunately Ms. Gungan was my back up. She got everyone started. My Nationals practice consist of 16 amazing children making up four teams that will compete in Tulsa, Oklahoma the last weekend in March.

The children quickly move from Drama to their next LTC event. For Abigail that would be chorus with Ms. Vyneta and for Caleb it is Speech with Mr. Cooner. These are two beautiful people that have no children in these events but are still willing to donate their time!
The next thing on our agenda is evening worship and my LTC Bible Bowl class. I am preparing eight team of four students each to compete at LTC on Easter weekend. Again these are just wonderful children. I email their parents 'homework' each week, and I'm talking homework with 7-8 pages, and no one complains. 

You would think that should be enough for one day, but we still have one more activity, LTC Sign Language. Ms. Gungan is preparing the children for Sign Language. She is very patient with the children as she is teaching them to sign 3 verses in II Samuel. Usually by this point, Frankie and I have found a comfy chair in the church lobby and crashed!!! I guess I should say at this time, that Frankie has been with me this whole time, carrying drama props, making copies and running kids back and forth to the restroom! And not to leave Jon out, he was with us thru Caleb's baseball practice, at which point he had to heave for work.
I know way to soon these busy days will be behind us sooner than I think. It seems only yesterday we were rushing Frankie to LTC and Camp Fire and cheer leading and then all of the sudden she was turning 25! I will enjoy these days with the kids, but boy could I use a nap!
I know way to soon these busy days will be behind us sooner than I think. It seems only yesterday we were rushing Frankie to LTC and Camp Fire and cheer leading and then all of the sudden she was turning 25! I will enjoy these days with the kids, but boy could I use a nap!
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