Thursday, March 18, 2010

Old Red Museum - Order in the Court


Today’s adventures took us to the Old Red Courthouse. This building is one of the prettiest buildings in the West End. Located across from Dealy Plaza it is a tourist favorite. Caleb and Abigail, along with other homeschool participated in a Mock Trial. Caleb was selected as the Lead Defense Attorney and Abigail was the Prosecuting Attorney. All the way to the courthouse they threw out Perry Mason-isms like, “I object your honor,” and “it is incompetent, irrelevant and immaterial.”

The Gungans were with us. Richard was the Jury Foreman, Roy was a juror and Ryan was the one bring the charges. Very fun and comical, the cases centered around an artifact that resides in the museum portion of the courthouse

Abigail won the case, if Hamilton Burger could have ‘manufactured’ evidence like Abigail did, he would have won a lot more cases.

Also in an effort to appear impartial, during jury deliberations Richard pleaded Abigail’s case, leaving Roy to support Caleb. Abigail also had federal law on her side (if her manufactured evidence was correct), where Caleb’s was only supported by state law!

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