Monday, February 7, 2011

Anne of Green Gables

Anne of Green Gables, a one-act musical based on the novel by Lucy Maud Montgomery performed at the Jewish Community Center. The main character, Anne Shirley, and 11 year old orphan girl, had no television, fast food, or vacation away from home. In 1900, the United States of America had 45 states. Most people were farmers. Anne relies on her imagination for entertainment, which usually gets her in trouble.

The New York touring group that performed stayed around after the performance to answer questions. Jon had read the book to the kids a year or two ago, and Abigail was so excited that she re-read it over the weekend and finished as they were dimming the lights for the play. This one has always been one of Frankie's favorite.

I applied my heart to what I observed
and learned a lesson from what I saw
Proverbs 24:32

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