Tuesday, September 20, 2011

Constitution Day 2011

Our homeschooling friends from church.
Ms. Belinda Teaching
Each year we get together with home schooling families from church to celebrate Constitution Day. This year Constitution Day, September 17th, fell on a Saturday so we held our class on the following Monday. Ms. Belinda is our Constitution Queen, and she presented great material from Constituting America.
Ms. Belinda wrapping Richard in laws.

It's not an easy group to teach, with ages from pre-school to high school, great creativity is required to capture everyone’s attention. Following her class the kids broke up into groups with various assignments. The younger kids had color pages and games, the oldest kids were given reports.
Hannah, Roy & Blake's report

Abigail's group included James, Ryan and Lydia and they were to prepare an infomercial to 'Get the Vote Out' for the Constitution. It was sponsored by Ryan's wig shop!
Caleb as Peter Muhlenberg
Many of the kids dressed up for the event, my kids wore their Glenn Beck founders Faith, Hope and Charity shirts. You can see Abigail's maroon shirt peeking out of her Julia (Stockton) Rush dress. Caleb wore his Harry Potter dress robe over his clothes to represent Peter Muhlenberg and other members of the Black Robe Regiment. The Black Robed Regiment was the name that the British placed on the courageous and patriotic American clergy during the Founding Era (a backhanded reference to the black robes they wore).
he to whom it belongs shall come and
the obedience of the nations shall be his.
Genesis 49:10

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