Tuesday, October 25, 2011

Art Beyond Sight at the DMA

Artist John Bramblitt show student how he 'sees'

John walking the classroom
Echo - Off Duty

The Dallas Museum of Art hosts homeschool classes for families.  The first class this school year is Art Beyond Sight.  Guest artist John Bramblitt who is a sightless painter from Denton. Mr. Bramblitt's works are both nationally and internationally renowned; he spoke with our class about his artistic process and what it’s like to experience works of art using his other senses. He was a sighted artist and when he lost his sight he had to relearn how to draw.  
Mr. Bramblitt brought his guide dog, Echo; who was “on duty” for most of the class time.  Mr. Bramblitt helped the kids understand how to describe art to someone who can't see.  For example the color pink might smell like bubble gum, it might sound like a soft blinking noise, or it might feel like a fuzzy blanket.

In the studio the youth had to recreate artwork based on their partners description.  The kids also spent some time in the DMA's Art Studio creating their own sightless works of art.  One exercise was to feel an object in a box and recreate on their page.

the LORD gives sight to the blind,
the LORD lifts up those who are bowed down,
the LORD loves the righteous.
Psalm 146:8

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