Wednesday, November 16, 2011

Charlie Brown Thanksgiving

Every year our homeschool group gets together in the fall for a Charlie Brown Thanksgiving at the Gungan’s home.  Much like the television episode, the group gets bigger and bigger as phone calls go out for invitations to the feast.  Guests bring a dinner that would make Linus proud, complete with toast, pretzels, popcorn, jelly beans and more.

Somewhere in the midst of our quasi-feast Ms. Donna gives a great history of Thanksgiving, complete with games and crafts.  The kids play for hours everything from chess to Nerf wars, while the moms enjoy great camaraderie together.  These are some of my favorite people; together we solve the world’s biggest problems and encourage each other in all things mom! 

This year I think we arrived around 10:30am and didn’t head home until after 5:30pm.  And like the Charlie Brown episode, every little Woodstock went home with contented smiles and patting their full stomachs!   

Do not be anxious about anything, but in every situation,
by prayer and petition, with thanksgiving,
present your requests to God.
Phillipians 4:6

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