Everything about a birthday is exciting! I love the packages with bows, the celebrations, the desert, but best of all is the smiles! Each birthday at our house is greeted with breakfast in bed, and Frankie's 28th birthday was no exception. Frankie loves her birthdays, in fact she even has two special days, her actual birthday and we celebrate 'Francis Marie' Day, the anniversary of her adoption.

The biggest surprise was still awaiting Frankie, she didn't know that I had worked it out with her youngest biological sister, Sasha, to come for a visit. Sasha and her mom arrived from Oklahoma around noon today and the girls spent the day together visiting. Frankie was so very happy to spend the day with Sasha and hasn't stopped talking about her visit. It was a wonderful day!
“We will go with our young and our old, with our sons and our daughters,
. . .we are to celebrate a festival to the Lord.”
. . .we are to celebrate a festival to the Lord.”
Exodus 10:9
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