Monday, March 17, 2014

Mom's Bible Study - Muscle and a Shovel

I am loving my mom's Bible study group, we are working through Michael Shank's Muscle and a Shovel.  It is a wonderful book! The book is a true story about a pair of young newly-weds who move to the city and chase the American dream.  In the middle of their pursuit they are befriended by a man who turns their beliefs about God, their church, and their faith upside-down. 

Our group is made up parents of teens, a grandmother, and moms of newborns.  Each of us are at different points in our spiritual walk and the feed back and interaction is wonderful.  If you are looking for a  book to spur your faith, be prepared to dig into the scriptures with this book! 

Iron sharpens iron,
    and one man sharpens another.

Proverbs 27:17

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