Monday, December 15, 2014

Ladies Bible Study Group

This is just one of those pictures that I look at and smile.  This is my ladies Bible study group. We meet together every other Monday.  We are made up of 2 newly weds, 2 brand new moms, 2 moms of elementary age kids, 2 moms of middle schoolers, 1 mom with a high schooler (that's me) and a grandmother! 
We share a love for the Lord and His Word; and a deep desire to please Him.  Together we have read and discussed 'Muscle & a Shovel', 'Adrift: Postmodernism in the Church' &  'Faith Built on Sand.' After the holidays we will begin 'Alive in the Spirit' written by Jimmy Jividen, who is the grandfather of one of our newly wed girls!

It has been a pure delight to see these young girls new in their walk with their hubbies and babies yet so eager to please God.  Many of the girls are the same age and actually younger than Frankie and it is so fulfilling to spend time with them.  It is also reassuring to know there are Godly women, products of good families and our Christian colleges as I look to Caleb's future!
encourage . . . women as mothers, younger women as sisters, in all purity. I Timothy 5:2

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