Monday, July 13, 2015

Pacifying Puzzle Time

Sweet Frankie doesn’t like change; but she does like puzzles. Frankie is not happy right now about Caleb leaving for college.  Right now there are reminders everywhere around the house of his upcoming departure; like a dorm fridge, microwave, bedding etc. stacked around the formal dining area. 

Frankie was fixated on all the college hoopla, so Jon got out a relaxing 1,000 piece puzzle to calm the situation. They worked on it for FIVE hours straight; she wanted it finished by the time Caleb got home from work. When he got home from five hours of standing outside in the heat at Hawaiian Falls she made him play a board game with her!  Hopefully tomorrow is a better day! 

the cheerful of heart has a continual feast.
Proverbs 15:15

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