Monday, August 24, 2015

College Care Package

The drive home from LCU was kind of quiet on Friday afternoon.  Saturday was a very long day, and it was just odd how quiet the house had become.  Not because Caleb is loud but because we were all used to interacting with him.  

So I took the girls out and we put together his first care package to arrive on Monday. On one of our pizza pick ups for the pantry we had asked for an empty pizza box.  We arranged dollar bills to make the pizza and quarters for the toppings. 

The girls made cards, Frankie's said, "You have a Pizza My Heart." And Abigail's card read, "Fitness? More Like Fitness Whole Pizza in My Mouth!"  

Sunday after services came the first phone call and it was glorious.  Caleb was hanging outside the caf waiting for lunch and called to check in.  The girls and mom were thrilled to talk to him.  The quietness was quickly filled with jabbering and shortly after his call things began to resume.  

This next phase will look different, but it is hard to be sad knowing this is what's best for him and the natural progression of life. . . care packages and phone calls and who knows, maybe an occasional laundry run! 

The quiet words of the wise are more to be heeded
    than the shouts of a ruler of fools.
Ecclesiastes 9:16

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