Thursday, September 24, 2015

Classical Book Club

Our PEACH book club is a classical book club.  At the request of the boys the book Ender's Game was added to this year's reading list.  This is unique because it is not a classic and it's a bit risky because it was not written by a Christian author.  Now, not all of the books we read are specifically Christian authors, but many of them are because the 'C' in PEACH stands for Christian. There are many homeschool groups to choose from in the area, but ours caters to Christian families.  

With that understanding this was a risky selection.  The author had a Mormon background so part of the discussion of the book centered around Mormonism belief and how those were reflected in the writings of the author.  It was fascinating to see what the kids picked up on. They are maturing into discerning readers. 

Like any great teen event there was pizza, snacks and games!  What more incentive could a kiddo want?  Next month is Hamlet, we would love to have you join in the conversation! 

The mocker seeks wisdom and finds none,
    but knowledge comes easily to the discerning.

Proverbs 14:6

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