Wednesday, May 11, 2016

Family and Friends

Good friends will drive from another state to see you rule Denmark. Great friends will bring you a couple dozen roses to celebrate your reign. Fantastic friends will take you out for Asian food the following day when your reign is over. And incredibly amazing friends will take a Queen to her favorite jewelry store and let her use their store birthday discount! Abigail is lucky enough to have those friends! 

I'm pretty sure this was Ryan's first purchase in a jewelry store, not counting shopping for Ms. Donna.  It was fun shopping with the kids as the boys took in the whole Kendra Scott experience.  In the end Abigail picked out a bracelet to purchase with Christmas money that had been burning a hole in her pocket! We also stopped off for Roy's favorite Asian food, Pei Wei.  It was so great to have the kids together.  I know our house hasn't been the same with the gone. 

You have loved righteousness and hated wickedness.
Therefore God, your God, has anointed you

    with the oil of gladness with your companions

Psalms 45:7

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