Thursday, June 1, 2017

Hannah's Farewell

Today my girl had to say 'see you later' to another close friend, Hannah.  Hannah and her family are relocating to Colorado to be closer to extended family.  

For the grandparents, Hannah is that friend who has joined us on a hundred PEACH field trips. She and Caleb are a year apart and the kids have done everything together from Drama Club, Speech, to Book Club.  Hannah has a beautifully witty sense of humor and is an amazingly gifted writer.  

After Caleb and Richard left for college, Hannah made sure that Abigail was still included.  Abigail, Hannah and of course Gracie have formed a sweet bond with each other. But beyond the value of kindred spirits has been the lessons these girls have learned in the past two years and the Godly way they have handled themselves.  

Just because we homeschool doesn't mean that we are immune to the 'mean girls' or their 'mean moms'.  Two years ago the girls had to deal with a pair of sisters who were fine with lying to manipulate people, something we quickly realized they had learned from their mom.  These three were the target of the the mean girls lies and gossip.  

The mama-bear in me would have preferred to confront the mom and kids with the lies backed up by witnesses to the truth.  You know, prove the sisters and Mom were liars and make sure everyone else knew how ugly they were being!  But these three young ladies choose to take a higher road.  They knew the truth, the never gossiped, they never set the record straight or put the sisters in their place.  These three choose to let there actions speak to who they were despite the sisters lying lips. 

I'm so proud of how the girls handled all the strife. Time would bear out the truth no matter how many lies that were told.  The mean girls would move on and re-create drama with other kids, bearing out their true character.  

With the dignity and strength these three have grown together and it was a bitter sweet good bye today.  But because their friendship is grounded in His Truth I know they will continue to seek out each other's wisdom and companionship no matter where life takes them. 

Keep your tongue from evil
and your lips from telling lies.
Psalm 34:13

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