Thursday, June 22, 2017

The Boy by the Bay

Today after our pantry food pick ups we headed to Baytown to see the boy for his birthday.  Plano to Baytown is about a four and a half hour drive.  It's definitely a prettier drive than the one to Lubbock, though. 

When we arrived at the congregation where Caleb is interning he gave us tour and introduced us to his co-workers. The last time I was at the church building was back in the early 1980's when Uncle David was their youth minister.  

Caleb is staying with a family from the church near the church building.  The couple does mission work in Romania and are spending most of the summer out of the country.  So they have someone responsible to stay with the house and he has nice accommodations for the summer.  

In addition, several families in the congregation have invited him over for dinner or to family game nights so he has that 'homie' feeling.   

Caleb took us out to the Baytown Nature Center that connects two peninsulas, surrounded by three bays, located on the west side of Baytown. The nature center occupies about 450 acres of land with three bays that surround the nature center are Burnet Bay, Crystal Bay and Scott Bay.

The smaller of the two peninsulas known as San Jacinto Point has been designated as a recreation area.  The larger peninsula is being developed into fresh water and salt water wetlands, with mixed woodland habitat for animals, birds and other wildlife. 

From the Baytown Nature Center you can see the San Jacinto Monument.  It is a 570-foot tall column topped by a 34-foot star located on the Houston Ship Channel.

“I have no son to keep my name in remembrance.” He called the pillar after his own name, and it is called Absalom's monument to this day. 2 Samuel 18:18 

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