Monday, July 10, 2017

Swinging Clubs

It's Monday morning meaning we would normally be hanging out at the pantry, but today we were told to take the day off!  There is a large group of volunteers serving today so we got the day off.  Even better news was that Ms. Gina has secured someone else to take care of the paperwork! So we are clip board-less, no file folders to follow-up on, no notebooks, no volunteers lists, no work logs, no computer entry to worry about! 

We met up with our partners in crime, the Baileys for a morning of fun.  Normally the Baileys would be with us at the pantry but with the day off we all got to enjoy a little play time. 

We headed to Topgolf, a golf driving range of sorts with  climate-controlled playing "bays" similar to a bowling lane.  They also have an impressive food and drink menu!  We enjoyed some chips and queso and pretzel bites while taking turns teeing off. 

I'm not sure that any of us will make the Masters Tournament but it was a fun filled morning with great friends! 

Like a club or a sword or a sharp arrow

    is one who gives false testimony against a neighbor.
Proverbs 25:18

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