Saturday, July 15, 2017

Vacation Bible School Rehearsal

Today was our final dress rehearsal and taping of our VBS production.  Rather than doing a musical production we chose to video tape the kids, my Bible Bowl student, as the Bible characters. 

The idea was that at VBS we would be sitting on stage in a Bible Drama class with Bible Class Betty.  Bible Class Betty would introduce the stories and would tell the class to, 'imagine themselves in the story.'  At that point we fade out on the stage lights and project the video tape production of the kids acting out the stories. 

We deliberately picked simplistic scenes and costumes complete with name tag signs around the kids necks as they acted out the story.  The simple format was to put more emphasis on the Bible lesson instead of the performers. 

I love the idea that the kids are teaching other kids.  You don't have to be a certain age to share the Bible.   

Teach them to your children and to their children after them.
Deuteronomy 4:9

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