Monday, June 11, 2018

Vacation Bible Class - Shipwrecked

It's that time of the year, time when the focus of the summer church ministry turns to the younger children.  The Church of Christ on McDermott Road chose to go with the Shipwrecked themed curriculum.  It was a nice change up from the over the top productions we've done in the past. 

The setup for the classes was a mixture of age groups as opposed to grade specific.  Ms. Julie, Ms Stacy, Abigail and I taught the Bible portion for the 1st thru 5th graders.  Our sweet friend Ella joined us in helping out with the classes!  We taught a rotating group of four classes each evening. Frankie stayed busy helping in the younger classes.  

There were other great classrooms that the children's classes rotated through including arts and crafts, experience rooms and time in the auditorium for praise and worship.  The focus this week included things that God rescues us from like loneliness (Luke 15); worry (Luke 10:38-42) ; struggle (Luke 22:39-54) and powerless (Acts 3). 

This is the same mighty power that raised Christ from the dead. Ephesians 1:19-20 

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