Tuesday, July 10, 2018

Four Star Leadership

Today Four Star Leadership bused the participants to the Oklahoma City National Memorial Museum.  The museum is a memorial to the victims, survivors, rescuers, and all who were affected by the Oklahoma City bombing on April 19, 1995.

The participants are too young to remember the events of that day so it was a somber look at our history.  Abigail has heard the story several time of that day.  I was working in Tulsa at Kemper Securities, a stock brokerage firm across the street from the Federal Building in Tulsa.  The news came on of the bombing and images were streaming out on live tv of the horror. Within an hour of the bombing there was a bomb threat to the Tulsa Federal Building.

SWAT teams came busting in our office in full tactical gear rushing us down fourteen flights of stairs to get out of the building. It was chaos and panic.  I also remember waiting to hear that my friends from Oklahoma Christian University were alive.  So much sadness.  

After touring the memorial and museum the group returned to the university for speakers and the first round of their Ethics Bowl and Speech competition. They also took a little time for some team building games after dinner. 

Do not be overcome by evil, but overcome evil with good. Romans 12:21

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