Monday, September 10, 2018

Our 5 Senses

This week my sweet preschoolers are working on their five senses.  One of the fun project we've worked on was using marshmallows.  Marshmallows are something the kids can see, smell, taste and feel.  I even sat them out some magnifying glasses the kids could use to inspect the sweet treats.  

For a little extra fun we took the large marshmallows and microwaved them for about 20 seconds to watch them expand!  The kids loved it. I'm loving teaching the spirited group of four and five year olds.  

For privacy reasons I can't post pictures of their sweet faces but I'll try to keep the blog updated with some of our fun! 

Oh, taste and see that the Lord is good! Blessed is the man who takes refuge in him!
  Psalm 34:8

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