Tuesday, December 25, 2018

Merry Christmas

It's the happiest time of the year, or at least that's how the song goes.  But I have to say it is truly a blessing to have all the kids at home for the holidays.  Caleb has been home on Christmas break but he's worked most of the break.  He has a few days off for the holiday and we can all be together.  That's the blessing of working for a Christian company. 

Abigail has been working five days a week, too.  So again the next few days off is so appreciated.  Our morning started off early with Frankie excited and ready to check out Santa's haul!  We opened our stockings and then enjoyed breakfast together.  After breakfast we checked out the packages under the tree.  

Santa was generous will all of us and the day was filled with my favorite people.  We broke out the snowballs and had a snowball fight in the house, Padme' was barely phased but all the activity! Today was a nice blessing surrounded by my sweet husband and beautiful children.  Truly the best gift of all! 

Thanks be to God for his inexpressible gift! 2 Corinthians 9:15 

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