Saturday, December 29, 2018

Roasted Tomato Pasta Sauce

Having Caleb home for the holidays and Abigail not working or playing ball has been wonderful.  One of the things we'e always done together is cooking, specifically canning.  From the time they were little we've made everything from pickles to jelly.  The kids have been spoiled with the real homemade goodness. 

One of our favorites is homemade pasta sauce! So while the house is full we worked together cutting and cooking!  It is so much easier to make having someone chopping onions and peppers while others are prepping the tomatoes! 

I love the way the house smells of the savory Italian goodness! By the time we finished up today we had sixteen quarts of pasta sauce. I see some ravioli and spaghetti in our future meal planning! 

One person believes he may eat anything, while the weak person eats only vegetables. Romans 14:2

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