Friday, December 18, 2009

Skating Around the Christmas Tree

Our adventures took us to the country’s tallest indoor Christmas tree at the Galleria Dallas. The 95’ tall tree is in the middle of the ice skating rink. Our homeschool group schedules a Christmas skate each year, but this was our first year to attend.

My ‘no fear’ child was the first on the ice and never held on to the bars, even though she had never been skating. My ‘must have order’ child, skated around and around in the same pattern for two hours. And finally my ‘gentle spirit’ went slow and cautious, helping every child that fell and encouraging everyone. Jon skated with the children, while I took lots of pictures and enjoyed my Peppermint Mocha.

The beautiful tree with 440,000 led lights stretching up through the four stories of the mall under the domed skylight is truly an impressive sight. We will be back next year.

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