Saturday, December 19, 2009

Visit to see the Big Guy in Red

Our visits to Santa have long since past those days of diaper clad toddlers bawling because some strange man in a red velour jumpsuit was holding them and honestly who wouldn't be a little creeped out by that?
Visiting the big guy in red is something they continue to participate in to placate me. I love the sense of excitement and wonder that surrounds the idea of a magical person who brings great gifts as a thank you for those who have exhibited good behavior.
The Santa at the Galleria encouraged the kids to tug on his beard, again kind of creepy, and asked what they desired to receive in a week. Abigail asked for Harry Potter books, Caleb asked for Harry Potter movies, and Sissy asked for a Harry Potter DS game. 'Santa' smiled and with a wink said he would have several surprises for them. My dutiful children then smiled for their photo, said thank you and left with their candy canes! Mom was blissfully happy!

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