Thursday, March 24, 2011

Tim Lambert

Tim Lambert, president of the THSC, was our guest speaker at the March PEACH Meeting. Mr Lambert is a fixture in Austin when the state legislature is in session. THSC fights for home school rights and keep home schoolers up to date on proposed bills that might impact home education in Texas.

I have served on the PEACH Board of Directors for the past three years. During that time our organization has grown from 200 families to 250. Over the past two years PEACH has experienced the growing pains that go with change. Tim has been an invaluable resource to our board. He has an incredibly busy schedule but he has made himself available to guide the board in the direction necessary to protect our membership and provide the resources necessary to North Texas Home Educators. He is one of those individuals that is such a wealth of information. If you haven't heard him speak, check out the Texas Home School Coalition website for his speaking schedule.

"Day after day they pour forth speech; night after night they display knowledge. There is no speech or language where their voice is not heard"

Psalm 19:2-3

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