Sunday, July 8, 2012

Jonah Vacation Bible School Night 1

Tonight we kicked off our Jonah Vacation Bible School.  If you know your Bible or Veggie Tales then you know Jonah was a prophet.  In our opener tonight Jonah receives a message from the Lord God Almighty that he is to go to Ninevah.  Jonah knows that Ninevah is a very wicked town and does not want to go.
Having worked on VBS at the Owasso Church of Christ for a decade and then the last several years with Ms. Tami at McDermott, it is a given that if it is VBS then I will be signed up to help.  McDermott has done drama productions for the last several years but this is the first year to do a musical! Ms. Jennifer has amazing musical talents and rewrote iconic pop numbers to fit our scripts.  We worked together as she showed me where in the Bible stories she wanted to insert the songs.    I love working on the scripts because it is the chance to feed the kids the wisdom from scripture and insert humor. 
We began each night with our pulpit minister Mr. James introducing each night in a Mr. Rogers meets stand up comedy routine.  This is just a way to settle the kids down from the sing along and excitement and prepare them for the Bible story drama.  I stepped in as the Lucille Ball to his Mr. Rogers only I was the straight man and he was the comedian. 
Tonight Caleb was the dingy, slightly misguided Jewish boy that interact with Jonah after he receives word from the Lord. Frankie was assisting with her beloved four year olds and Abigail was working with the kindergarten class.

“Go to the great city of Nineveh and preach against it,
because its wickedness has come up before me.”
Jonah 1:2

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