Sunday, June 16, 2013

Father's Day 2013

I am so glad the kids are home from camp in time to celebrate Father’s Day with Jon.  Even though it has been a long week, we all still got up early and pounced Jon in bed with breakfast and presents.  Breakfast is a loose term for the chocolate donuts and Dr. Pepper that Jon requested for his morning sustenance. 
It has become increasingly amusing getting all five of us in bed with breakfast and gifts as the kids have gotten bigger!  And has made for an even more amusing sight al be it slightly unsanitary by the fact that Padme’ thinks if the kids are on our bed she needs to be there too.
Father’s Day is one of those days where I could lament the loss of my own Father or the passing of Jon’s father some 20+ years ago, but I choose to celebrate today as the tremendous blessing the children have in Jon as their Father.  My kids are simply amazing people to me and most of their most endearing qualities they acquired from Jon. 
Jon has taught all three of them how to ride a bike, their phonics, and math facts.  He has read the Bible to them every morning of their lives and wonderful classics at bed time.  He is quiet and patient yet strong and steadfast.  I am simply not eloquent enough to pen my admiration and love for him and the blessing he has been to the children.
After church services this morning at Jon’s request we prepared lunch.  Rather than serve the fine china the girls dug out our mismatched camping gear.  Caleb grilled T-bones and I prepared all his favorite side dishes.   I’m thinking such great dads should get more than just one day per year!
Fathers, do not exasperate your children; instead,
bring them up in the training and instruction of the Lord. 
Ephesians 6:4

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