Thursday, August 1, 2013

Popsicles in the Park

Tonight was the last day of Popsicles in the Park in east side McKinney. Our youth group met up with other volunteers to grill hotdogs and play carnival type games with the neighborhood kids.  There were over 150 kids from the neighborhood who came out for a meal and to play with our big kids. 
Abigail was pushing one of the little boys on the swings when his younger brother came up and told him to get off so he could swing.  The boy swinging did not want to stop, so the younger brother persuaded him by saying, 'I'll tell Momma you been cusin'.  The child on the swing responded, 'but I ain't been cusin!'  The brother retorts, 'I don't care, I'll tell her you has.'  With that, the boy got off the swing and Abigail began to push his brother on the swing.  Abigail was dying laughing but wasn't sure if it was appropriate!

An honest witness tells the truth,
    but a false witness tells lies.
Proverbs 12:17

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