Things never slow down, it doesn't matter that less than 24 hours ago the kids just got in from a ten hour bus ride; or that Abigail has spent the afternoon in a softball tournament; or that Caleb has spent the afternoon working at Hawaiian Falls. Today was the first day or our Vacation Bible School musical production.

On top of that we have wonderfully talented ladies who take care of our backdrops and costumes! It is so much fun to see everyone's hard work. We began tonight's story with the telling of the Pharaoh who knew nothing of Joseph or what he had done for Egypt. Next we moved into the decree to kill each male Hebrew child, leading to Miriam hiding Moses then Pharaoh's daughter finding him in the Nile.
In tonight's production Caleb played an Egyptian Task Master, Abigail was hungry crocodile in the Nile River and I was Moses' mother Jocabed. Sissy was in the audience with her favorite four year old class; and Jon, well he was taking pictures of all the fun!
Tonight's story was taken from Exodus 1:1 - 2:10
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