Tonight's story picked up with Moses being 40 years old having grown up in Pharaoh's palace. Caleb was the Egyptian Task Master whom Pharaoh interrupts beating a Hebrew slave, then Moses killed Caleb and buried him in the sand.
Pharaoh of course issues a decree that Moses must be killed for his treachery. Moses then flees to Midian where he meets Jethro and his seven daughters. Abigail and I played the part of two of Jethro's daughters, but not Zipporah.
Jethro gives Moses his daughter Zipporah in marriage and by the close of Night 2, Moses is eighty years old and speaks to a burning bush!
Caleb worked today, and got off work in time to shower and head to VBS. I know he is looking forward to a chance to catch up on some sleep but I don't think his first day off isn't until Thursday.
Tonight story was taken from Exodus 2:11 - 4:31
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